Title: Examining Attributions of Success and Failure According to Golf Coaches' Perceptions in the Istanbul Region: A Qualitative Study

Abstract:This study aims to analyze coaches' attributions of success and failure in athletes within the framework of the Causal Attribution Theory. The Causal Attribution Theory is a framework that examines how individuals explain events and the effects of these explanations on motivation, performance, and behavior. The research adopts a qualitative approach and is conducted in a phenomenological design. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The study population consists of 272 coaches working in nine golf clubs in Istanbul, and a sample of 8 coaches was selected using simple random sampling. The interview form includes four open-ended questions and was refined based on expert opinions. Data were conceptualized through content analysis, and themes and codes were identified. Findings indicate that coaches tend to attribute success to internal factors (such as athlete talent, effective planning, and experience) and failure to external factors (such as opponent performance, luck, and field conditions). The impact of these attributions on athletes' motivation and performance is discussed, and the role of Causal Attribution Theory in sports psychology and coaching practices is highlighted. The study aims to enhance coaches' awareness in performance evaluation and psychological support processes and contribute to the literature.


Abstract:Background. The emergence and spread of multidrug resistant/rifampicin resistant tuberculosis has posed an unprecedented global public health challenge. So far, there is scarcity of published work on the treatment outcome of the patients managed during the period WHO shorter injectable based regimen was used in Ebonyi State. Objective. To determining the treatment outcome of this short injectable regimen in Ebonyi State from October, 2017 to September, 2020 and identify the predictors of unsuccessful treatment outcome. Design. This was a total population study where all the 62 patients enrolled into the treatment during this period were recruited and a retrospective research design was utilized. Data were collected from the State DRTB registration log-book, patients’ folders and treatment cards using an adapted checklist. Information obtained were entered into the computer using SPSS version 25 Illinois USA. Simple frequencies, proportions, cross tabulation and logistic regression were used for data analysis and p value <0.05 was considered significant. Results. Twenty-five patients (40.3%), (14)22.6%, (5)8.1%. and (18)29% were cured, treatment completed, lost to follow up and died respectively. The predictors of unsuccessful treatment outcome were positive HIV status (P=0.042) and poor functional status (P=0.001). Discussion. There is need for the State TB program to channel more efforts toward sensitizing the public on the mode of spread of the disease, counselling of already identified cases, regular drugs supply, monitoring treatment progress to break the chains of transmission. Conclusion. The presence of HIV and poor functional status are major contributors to poor treatment outcomes.

Title: Using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, Parkinsonism`s mitochondrial quality control

Abstract:Nuclear DNA mutations, mitochondrial DNA mutations, combined nuclear and mitochondrial DNA defects, and random occurrences are the main causes of mitochondrial disease. Black pigmentation loss is a major sign of Parkinsonism. Because of the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, it drops to less than 80%. The degree of motor impairment was correlated with the amount of black pigmentation loss. After RNA extraction, reverse transcription is carried out because reverse transcriptase was used to create cDNA. One microliter of total RNA supplemented with IORT Buffer, dNTPs, random hexamers, Multi-Scribe Reverse Transcriptase, and nuclease-free was used to create cDNA. The following was how the reaction was carried out in a thermal cycler: 10 minutes at 25°C, 120 minutes at 37°C, 5 seconds at 85°C, and lastly 4°C. The data was expressed as a v-value, which shows how much the target gene is enriched in comparison to the reference gene. Earlier research using mice injected with functional HtrA2/Omi protease activity revealed similar outcomes, including induced up-regulation of CHOP, decreased mitochondrial function, and early brain cell aging because of an increase in mtDNA deletions. The cell viability of the genotypes exhibits a dmg concentration-dependent effect in these results, suggesting that high content ratios of drug treatment with 6-OHDA may be the cause of cellular content depletion. After 6-OHDA neurotoxin treatment, CHOP is up-regulated. Prior in vitro research has shown that treatment with a model based on 6- OHDA neurotoxin causes the activation of mitochondrial stress pathways, which in turn promotes the death of neurons. 6-OHDA reversibly inhibited complexes I and IV's activities in rat brain cells, which led to dopaminergic neurodegeneration, a defining feature of PD pathogens. As a result, the number of living cells will directly correlate with the dmg concentration, supporting the results of the current study. Real-time PCR can generally demonstrate that the removal of HtrA 2 results in a significant up-regulation of Hsp60 expression when compared to WT cells. This could be linked to a decreased threshold for mitochondrial stress in HtrA2 KO cells, which would explain why, following ADEP4 and ACP5 treatment, Hsp60 is significantly up regulated in HtrA2 KO cells compared to WT cells.

Title: A Relativistic Electron Interaction Investigation in an Electromagnetic Field

Abstract:A charged particle in an electromagnetic field is discussed using the Dirac equation of the free electron. The time-dependent components of the spin expectation value are calculated. The results are interesting from the educational point of view as they modify the views often expressed in the literature concerning the direction quantization of the spin vector. As a second step, the Maxwell equations of electrodynamics are extended into 4-dimensional Minkovsky space. Two special cases together with the most general case of 𝑁 electrons in an electromagnetic field are discussed in detail and the relativistic limit 𝑣 → 𝑐 is numerically evaluated. On the other hand, for 𝑣 ≪ 𝑐 the well-known classical results are reproduced.

Title: The Effects of Learning Method, Motivation, and Self-Discipline on Students` Retrospective Perceptions of Online Learning

Abstract:This article examines, for the first time, the relationship between learning style, motivation, and self-discipline, as factors that affect tertiary students� perceptions of online learning, from a retrospective perspective. The period between 2019 and 2022 was and remains one in which students are rethinking the components of teaching and learning. In addition, from the learners� perspective, social, cultural, and technological changes to which they were subject, including substantial changes to learning environments and learning methods, heightened learners� need to reconsider time planning. This study is based on 1,928 students enrolled in several academic institutions. We used a mixed-methods design for this exploratory research, incorporating qualitative and quantitative analysis, to develop the proposed Online Teaching Recommendations (SOTR) model. We used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for goodness-of-fit. Findings indicate that with respect to self-discipline, distractions and interruptions at home hinder students� online learning, but they do not lower students� assessments of the quality of online teaching. We may assume that students learn how to integrate online teaching in their everyday lives, and the short-term disadvantage may become a positive experience as students persist in their academic studies. Moreover, online teaching demands students� self-discipline, which also has no effect on perceived teaching quality. However, students� motivation declines following online teaching, s does self-discipline, which lowers perceived teaching quality. Students are concerned by the decline in social interactions with their class mates, caused by online learning, but this decline does not adversely affect their learning process. Findings of this study may contribute to improving teaching and learning for students who use digital tools for learning, especially in academic institutions where frontal instruction remains relevant and significant. Findings support the importance of the relationship between students� learning methods, motivation, and self-discipline, which are factors that affect students� perceptions of online learning. The question is whether academic instructors should enhance students� motivation to improve their self-discipline skills or whether these factors are related exclusively to students.

Title: Intrinsic Metrics Geometry and L^∞ − Variational Problems of Dirichlet forms

Abstract:We present a general conception of intrinsic metric and study some of its properties. We provide for general regular Dirichlet forms. Given a regular, strongly local Dirichlet form ℇ, the local doubling and local Poincaré inequalities are satisfied, we obtain that the intrinsic differential and distance structures of ℇ coincide.We obtain that an infinity harmonic function on R^n may be the minimizer for several different variational problem and we apply our results to Carnot-Caratheodory spaces. Giving the definitions and the main properties of Dirichlet spaces.

Title: Simulation of Using Cisco Packet Tracer Networks Tool: Frame Relay – Point to Point & Multipoint

Abstract:Computer network specialists are in great request currently. The main objective of this research paper is learning the helpfulness of using Cisco Packet Tracer as a learning tool. This situation is measured significant to Higher Learning Organizations in instruction to confirm all clients with appropriate system helps. Consequently, computer network involves accepting of both theory and practical, later network simulation software should be suggested to overcome this problem.\n\nFrame relay is packet-switched equipment, which segments bandwidth between users on the switched network. Frame relay service providers accept that all users will not need the full volume of their bandwidth at all times. Therefore, in overall, frame relay is fewer costly than committed WAN lines, but clients are not certain bandwidth. All positions socket into the frame relay “cloud,” which is a collection of lots or hundreds of Frame relay switches and routers.\n\nFrame relay is a normal for packet switching WAN communications over great feature, numerical positions. Frame relay links run error detection but not error retrieval. It is active to close devices to demand a retransmission of missing packets. Frame relay networks simulate a \"continuously arranged\" association with PVCs (permanent virtual circuits). It is directing routers send data directly without forming a term. Frame Relay switches achieve error proving but not improvement.\n\nThe PPP over Frame Relay article permits a router to create end-to-end Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) terms over Multi Point Frame relay. IP datagrams are elated over the PPP connection using RFC 1973 compliant Frame relay framing.

Title: On Some Special Curves According to the Modi?ed Orthogonal Frame in Minkowski 3-space E 3

Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the involute curve concept according to\nthe modified orthogonal frame at non-zero points of curvature in the Minkowski 3-space. Besides, the modified frame for the involute curve is given. Further, the curvature and the torsion for the involute curve are introduced. Also, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions to the curve to be a general helix and a slant helix. Finally, some examples are introduced.

Title: Investigating Oxygen Depletion in a Two-Step Combustible Stockpile

Abstract:The depletion of oxygen in a reactive stockpile that undergoes self-ignition process due to low-temperature oxidation reaction, is investigated in this paper. A reactive stockpile is the one whose materials contain carbon or hydrocarbon compounds that react readily with the oxygen trapped within the stockpile. The combustion process is modelled in a two-step reactive slab, that loses heat to the surrounding by convection. The process of combustion is so complicated and therefore, the mass transfer partial differential equation governing the problem cannot be solved exactly, but a numerical method is applicable. In this case, the equation was solved using Finite Difference Method (FDM), and Maple software was used to derive the solutions. The results plotted indicate that parameters like the oxygen Biot number help to retain the oxygen, whereas parameters such as the reaction rate enhance the depletion of oxygen.


Abstract:Rainfall trend and intensity are essential guides in understanding long-term changes in rainfall. This study aims to identify the trend and intensity of long-term rainfall at the main stations in the western region of Peninsular Malaysia between 1960 and 2010. Rainfall data were collected from 133 stations under the purview of the Department of Drainage and Irrigation of Malaysia. The analytical techniques used were descriptive analysis and the Mann-Kendall Trend Test. The results showed that from 1960 to 2010 the rainfall for all stations were in upward trend. However, Mann-Kendall Test (P = 1), showed that the trend was not significant. The average annual rainfall in the western region were classified as moderately wet having to decrease from a range of 1936 mm to 2635 mm, whereas, Dale’s average annual rainfall were in the range of 2540 mm to 2794 mm. The average rainfall variability for the western region during the study period was 699 mm, in contrary, Dale’s average rainfall variability from 1950 to 1959 was 254 mm. The maximum rainfall average for the western region (moderately wet) also lowered by 155 mm (6 per cent) from 1960 to 2010. The rainfall distribution showed that not all areas of the western province in Dale’s study received between 2540 mm and 2794 mm of rainfall annually. The implications of this study improve water management, especially in managing and planning the water supply more efficiently.