Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common disorder that affecting about 5-10% of school age children. A Sustained release methylphenidate (CONCERTA) is commonly used to treat such condition in children. It has a great efficacy in ADHD children. A lot of reports have documented the relationship between MPH and sleep bruxism. However, there is a paucity of reports in the literature that documented awake bruxism as a side effect of sustained release MPH. Up to our knowledge there is only one report of its kind showing such relationships. We report the case of a 10-year-old girl who presented with awake bruxism after her third dose of sustained release MPH. \nIt is a serious side effect of a sustained release methylphenidate (CONCERTA) that might affect health of oral cavity. So, it is important to pick it up early to prevent serious complication and improve quality of life for them.
EOs has received attention in recent years as potential ‘natural’ alternatives for replacing antibiotic growth promoters due to their positive impact on growth performance. They were shown to have antimicrobial properties against different types of microorganisms including bacteria and fungi [1]. Results from those studies revealed desirable effects of EO and their derivatives [2-3] for human. \nHowever paramecium sp were used to study environmental qualities and toxic effects of industrial, agricultural and domestic chemicals [4-5]. The objective of this study was to examine in vitro toxicity of essential oil (thymol) and to describe their specific effects on, the population growth, percentage of answer, Proportioning of protein and Proportioning of carbohydrate. \nResults showed that treatment affected the population growth, percentage of answer, Proportioning of protein and Proportioning of carbohydrate. Among the effects of thymol on the growth, we find that different doses have direct and rapid effects on the living organism development of Paramecium tetraurelia.
This paper considers the somatic metaphors with various components, and their functions. The statistics has shown the most and the least frequent somatic elements both in Russian and German socio-political discourse.
In Algeria, abortions represent a brake to the development of bovine breedings. For that we \npurpose an investigation on the prevalence of the main abortive agents as Neospora caninum and \nToxoplasma gondii to estimate the potential risk that represent the beef meat for the consumers. 5673 \nserums of cattle distributed in 29 departments of the country, was tested by the technique ELISA. A \nglobal prevalence of 84.30 % (77,8 - 90,8 %) for Toxoplasma gondii, and 58.68 % (50.7-68,2 %) for \nNeospora caninum was revealed. Our results also indicate seroprevalence in 28 bovine breedings on \n29 followed departments (the East, the West, Center and the South). Furthermore, Toxoplasma and \nNeospora circulates in the same bovine breedings of the departments of Ain Témouchent, Constantine, \nand Saïda