In current article, the role of emotional intelligence on transformational leadership was surveyed. Emotional intelligence has 5 dimensions include: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivating oneself, empathy and social skills which considered as 5 secondary hypotheses. First of all by applying Pearson and Regression test, correlationship and the influence of emotional intelligence on transformational leadership was surveyed which results show that there are positive and meaningful correlationship between emotional intelligence and its indices with transformational leadership. Going on, by using Average test, the levels of each variable was tested that just transformational leadership wasn\'t placed in a suitable situation. Also the results of using AHP technique, show empathy is the most important dimension of emotional intelligence and after that, social skills, self regulation, motivating oneself and self awareness were placed in other places in direct order. Finally the correlations between demographic characteristics with emotional intelligence and transformational leadership was studied that there were no relationship between them.